
I wanted to start off my blog by introducing myself so just for the record my name is Sarah Starkey and i am student at Hessle Sixth Form. As well as this i also have a part time job at Next as a sales consultant. In the future i hope to become a costume designer for Hollywood movies and if that doesn't happen then i definitely plan to go into the fashion industry, even if that is just working my way up to management in my current job! I am quite a dressy person for anything even just for college or work. I love getting ready in the morning and i usually spend about an hour just deciding what to wear. I love being unique in my style and i want to share it with people which is why i have chosen to start a blog. I'm not going to set a day that i will post because i know i won't stick to it but i am going to try my best to post at least once a week. Additionally i really would love to hear from you guys so feel free to comment on anything i post or message me on any of the social media links i have on my page. I love meeting new people especially those that have the same interests as me!


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