I am a 17 year old girl living in Hull. I study textiles, graphics and IT at Hessle Sixth Form and hopefully I will go on to university after the gap year I plan to take. I am currently in my last year of sixth form and god I cannot wait to leave. I mean don't get me wrong I do enjoy my subjects but the work load kills me. I have never known such an exhausting way to spend my time especially when spare time literally does not exist to me. I work part time at Next and I absolutely love my job. I love the people I work with and as much as I'm comfortable working there I would like to go on to bigger things in the future even if it is just to become part of the management team in my current job. In the future I would love to be a costume designer for big Holly Wood movies although I am aware that this is too big a dream for such a small person. If this doesn't happen which it probably won't then I would just love to do anything fashion related which is why the job I have now is so suited to me. Working my way up through the company would be wonderful but I do dream of being my own business in a certain sense.
I always believe that the best way to get to know someones personality is to learn their favourite things so that is what I am going to share with you. It's obviously clear I love fashion and designing so I won't continue to bore you with that although if your visiting my blog you obviously have a passion for fashion yourselves so drop me a message sometime! Anyways when it comes to TV and film I do struggle to pick favorites but for a TV show it is close between Friends and American Horror Story, complete opposite ends of the spectrum I know! For a film I would have to say Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland although if were talking Disney then I would not be able to decide between Lilo and Stitch and Big Hero 6 as Stitch and Baymax are both equally excellent characters.
As I want to go into costume design in the future I have decided to dedicate my blog to reinventing costume for some of my favourite characters. I spend a lot of my spare time watching movies and rewatching TV shows and so I thought this would be the perfect idea. Sometimes the costumes I design are a bit wacky but then so are the characters they are made for so who cares! I do try to post every week however when I am incredibly busy like during exam periods of the year it is unlikely I will be able to keep that promise as I obviously have other priorities. If there is anything at all you want to message me about then just drop me an email or contact me via the social media links I have at the top of my blog. Don't forget to leave your name though as otherwise I won't know who you are which would not be brilliant in your case!
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